Mystic Hills Farmstead

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Celebrating Dad

My husband, Jack, is camera shy. He doesn’t like to be the center of attention. He doesn’t have social media. You’d never catch him scrolling his phone for hours or spending days or even hours at a time indoors. He is the hardest worker I know and the best provider for Kade and I. He is our early morning sunshine, our greatest friend. He is the quiet steadiness to my rapid fire, my strength when times are tough.

He is the master wrangler of chickens. The best shepherd of sheep and king of compost. He is a fierce creature of habit, loyal, and always there when he is needed. Above all else, he is our fiercest protector and the world’s best dad.

Father’s Day is such a special day to celebrate and show our love to the men in our lives, and I wanted to take this opportunity to show my love and gratitude for Jack and all he does for us, not only on the farm, but in Kade and I’s daily lives. I always joke and call Jack the “livestock manager”, but really, he does so much more than that. In addition to all of the livestock managing tasks: feeding, moving animals, watering, etc., he takes care of anything else I need help with around the farm, whether that be weeding a bed, helping seed or transplant in the garden, or watching Kade so I can get tasks done around the house or farm. He always helps without hesitation and is the hardest working person I know. He wakes up at the crack of dawn each morning to start chores and is the last one outside when the sun is setting behind the mountains. He quite literally works from sun-up to sun-down, and with a full-time job off the farm, I am simply amazed by his work ethic and drive. He gives 100% of himself every single day, he never quits, and is continuously looking to improve, learn, and grow.

It is honestly hard to capture in words how much I love Jack and how special he is to me and Kade. He is helping build such a bright future for our family, from his vision of the farm, to the love he gives as a father and husband. Fatherhood has changed him in more ways than one, but one thing I know for sure is that it has brought out all of his best qualities and has made him grow as a person in so many incredible ways. Where he was once stoic, he is now softer. And where he was once impatient, patience has grown. I am so thankful that Kade has such an amazing role model to look up to as he grows from a toddler to a boy, and a boy into a man. Jack’s work ethic, love, and kindness show through all he does and Kade and I are so lucky to have him.

We love you Jack! Thank you for all you do for us. We couldn’t ask for a better father or husband. Happy Father’s Day to all the dads out there. We love you and thank you for all you do!

Until next time,

Farmer Kinzie