The Future is COOLER: CSA Registration is LIVE

We did it! We finally finished the walk-in cooler and not only does it look better than I could have imagined, but it also works really well, too!

For those of you who have been following along with the farm journal for awhile now, you know that this project has taken us WAY longer to accomplish than we wanted it to. When we first started it back in June, we had high hopes that it would be done within a month, but with shipping delays and cancellations, we were caught in a standstill for nearly two entire months waiting for parts that never came.

Luckily, my parents were coming into town last week to watch the farm while my little family went off on a mini vacation to Wyoming, and they were kind enough to make a special trip to Silverthorne to pick up the rest of the supplies we needed to accomplish the task.

When we arrived back home from our trip, my dad, Jack and I got busy finishing up the rest of the project. It took three very long days of work from start to finish, but we got it done and it feels SO GOOD to have the walk-in completed. Not only does it look really amazing thanks to Jack’s parents donating leftover materials from a recent build they were completing, but the CoolBot system we are using to cool the walk-in is incredibly fast and efficient. I am having visions of the bounty that will fill the space next spring, summer, and fall, and I can’t wait to grow more food so I can do just that.

With the anticipation of the CSA we are offering next summer, I feel so relieved that this project is done before winter and that next spring, as I set out to start planting for the CSA, I will have a huge refrigerator waiting and begging to be filled with beautiful vegetables! If you live in or around Routt County, our CSA registration for Summer 2021 is live! We have limited CSA spots available next year, so if you are interested in signing up, please do so by going to our website and clicking on “CSA Program” at the top of the page. This gives you all the details about the CSA and will guide you to our registration form. By signing up early, you ensure a spot and allow us ample time to plan the CSA. Thank you!

In the meantime, we are continuing to knock out items on our never-ending list of “things to do” and are looking forward to slowing down for a moment in the coming months. One of the biggest things we accomplished this week (other than the walk-in cooler) was reorganizing and cleaning out our barn. If only I had taken before and after pictures of THAT. You would have been truly amazed and astonished at the result. It was an arduous task, but one that was well worth the effort and I feel I can breathe easier knowing just how stinkin’ clean and organized the barn is. I seriously keep finding my mind wandering to the clean and organized space, appreciating just how beautiful it is. That is totally normal, right? Anyone want to take bets on how long we can keep it that way?! I am not a betting kind of person, but I do foresee myself becoming the foreman of the barn to keep it in tip-top shape year-round. There is truly nothing better than a nice organized space to work in and get things done.

I hope you and your loved ones are doing well!

Farmer Kinzie